Donald Davison is Professor of Political Science and the Co-Director of the Program in Public Policy and Political Economy at Rollins College. His area of expertise includes political behavior, American institutions, public policy, and formal theory and methodology. His research examines voting rights, race and ethnic politics, religion and politics, and the reactions of majority populations to minority political influence. During Poland’s transition to democracy he taught courses on democracy and rights at the American Studies Center, Graduate School, University of Warsaw as a Senior Fulbright Scholar. His most recent publications include “Times Taxes and Voting Queues: The Voting Rights Act after Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder (2012)” (forthcoming), “‘Family Values Don’t Stop at the Rio Grande . . . :’ Can the Republican Party Convert Hispanic Voters?” (forthcoming), and “American Conservatism: The Influence of the Tea Party on the Republican Party,” (2013). He also served as the editor for the European peer reviewed Politics and Religion Journal’s special edition on the United States, and is a member of its international editorial board.