Democratic Erosion University Course Student Blog

Students enrolled in our course are encouraged to write for the course blog, and to read and comment on posts from students at other participating universities. The blog offers students the opportunity to analyze current events through the lens of the theory and case studies they engage with through the course.

Democratic Erosion in India: How Narendra Modi Makes Use of Offensive Populism

As India’s democratic standards are eroding, the BJP’s Narendra Modi employs offensive populist strategies.

2024 Jordanian Parliamentary Elections: Rise of Loyalist Parties Under New Political Party Law

Jordanian parliamentary elections were held on 10 September 2024 following King Abdullah II’s decision to dissolve the parliament on 25 July 2024. After a long durée, these elections became a comeback for the political parties in the country despite the low level of...

The Creche Controversy in Turkey

Turkey’s political tensions are escalating in Istanbul, where Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu’s efforts to expand childcare services have been met with legal and financial pushback from the ruling AKP—turning a fundamental public service into yet another battleground for power and control.