Partisan Voter Intimidation on the Rise in 2020 Election
Trump supporters gathered outside Fairfax County Government Center; photo by Kenny Holston of the New York Times On the stage of the first...
Trump supporters gathered outside Fairfax County Government Center; photo by Kenny Holston of the New York Times On the stage of the first...
Assassinations are tools of the trade for many global actors. Even if not always successful, they can send a strong message to the international...
What is being called a “modern-day poll tax” has found its way to The Sunshine State. Since the 2018 referendum to grant automatic...
Voter suppression is one of the United States’ most shameful yet open secrets. Beyond voter ID laws, voter roll purges, and polling place...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes in the world, leaving the right to vote in the United States under siege. One of...
Malian democracy is facing a crisis of legitimacy. Or perhaps, more accurately, Mali is no longer a democracy but it faced a crisis of legitimacy...
The United States is not a democracy. Though some tout the US as a beacon of representative democracy in the world where economic prosperity is...
Prior to the last month, TikTok was known, for the most part, simply as a platform for teenagers to post silly videos of themselves lip-syncing...