Is Argentina on a Democratic Upswing or Deceptive Stagnation Previously Established by the Kirchner Administration? by Samantha Moan @ University of California, Los Angeles

Is Argentina on a Democratic Upswing or Deceptive Stagnation Previously Established by the Kirchner Administration? by Samantha Moan @ University of California, Los Angeles

President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner followed in the footsteps of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, bringing in a new leftist wave of populism to Argentina. Kirchner’s efforts to censor the media, degrade autonomous institutions, and silence opposition highlight her...
¡Viva la corrupción, la libertad, y la Democracia! — Long Live Corruption, Liberty, and Democracy! by Celina Avalos @ University of California, Los Angeles

¡Viva la corrupción, la libertad, y la Democracia! — Long Live Corruption, Liberty, and Democracy! by Celina Avalos @ University of California, Los Angeles

In a time where rights, freedom, and democracy are being threatened across Western democracies, it’s imperative to ask the question: why are democracies failing? However, in focusing on the Democracies of the West – the developing nations – we remain silent on the...