by Julia Gold | Oct 12, 2022 | SUNY-Binghamton
The issue of prison system failures that stem from pandemic regulations (or lack thereof) is a pervasive one across the globe. While pre-pandemic systems were already fraught with rampant human rights violations, the COVID-19 response in the criminal legal system only...
by Sydney Stone | Sep 30, 2022 | Ohio State University
COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, was (and still is) a virus that has taken the lives of over four million people in the last three years. The virus spreads through the air, most commonly from one person’s breath to another. Many people with COVID-19 do not have...
by Jiaqui Jiang | Jun 8, 2022 | University of California, San Diego
This spring, with the cancellation of pandemic restrictions in most parts of the world, China became the last large country to maintain the zero tolerance to COVID-19. Its “Dynamic Zeroing Out” policy sought to eliminate the virus using extreme regional restrictions...
by Lucas Aguayo-Garber | Mar 15, 2022 | Brown University
Through the first two months of 2022, Canada has been in the midst of one of the most unforeseen political stories to emerge in years, a Vaccine mandate protest which has grown so confrontational in just one month that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the...
by Lian Hochen | Mar 14, 2022 | University of Georgia
The issue of democracy and democratization has been a subject of debate in social sciences for years. The effects of policy reaction to the sudden global shock of the COVID-19 pandemic on democratic backsliding has catalyzed the search of just how much the event has...