by Jing Tzsuen Kua | Feb 16, 2022 | Boston University
How Malaysia fell victim to stealth authoritarianism in the midst of the pandemic, and what us Malaysians should can do moving forward. The Southeast Asia region is still reeling from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Whilst nations such as Indonesia and Thailand were committing...
by Nidhi Shah | Feb 14, 2022 | Ohio State University
Democracy was already backsiding in many countries before the pandemic, and the United States is no exception. However, the pandemic brought forth already existing problems from its polarizing responses to the COVID-19 due to the weakening of the rule of law that has...
by Hannah Ni | Feb 4, 2022 | University of Chicago
The Russian government has implemented extensive surveillance measures that, they say, will help combat Covid-19. The measures include the installation of 178,000 facial-recognition cameras in Moscow, the mandatory installation of tracking software for those suspected...
by UAYAN17@KU.EDU.TR | Jan 6, 2022 | Koç University
The detrimental effects of COVID-19 have been prevalent globally however, it is also observed to be contributing to the continuing democratic backslide in the Philippines. Through the guise of saving human lives, President Rodrigo Duterte dramatically expanded his...
by Brooke Hanley | Dec 1, 2021 | University of Georgia
Brazil is the fifth largest democracy in the world, it is also currently one of the most fragile. While President Jair Bolsonaro often claims to defend “democracy”, contradictorily, he has put Brazil’s democracy further at risk. He has done this by limiting the...