by Austin Albertson | Apr 13, 2018 | Skidmore College
Despite the youth of its democracy, the Chilean government consistently scores highly with third-party rating groups like Freedom House and The Economist Intelligence Unit. Like many South American governments, Chile was operated by a militaristic dictator during the...
by Maria Wakeman | Apr 4, 2018 | Yale University
Freedom House has given exceptional democracy ratings to the Swiss Confederation, awarding it near-perfect scores in overall freedom, political rights (39/40), and civil liberties (57/60). Though Swiss political structure is both highly decentralized and dependent on...
by Chase Dunn | Apr 2, 2018 | American University
Professor Harry Frankfurt begins his classic essay, “On Bullshit,” with an acute observation: our culture is filled with a fair amount of bullshit. We all contribute a little, and we all believe we can recognize it when we see it. Because of this confidence, we have...
by Alexander Gephart | Apr 1, 2018 | University of Memphis
“Family Values with Grandma Betsy” “I’m more misunderstood than anything.” a quote from our Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos, that embodies a common assertion of the Republican party as their ‘family values’ become established policies throughout all three branches...
by Anne Pfeifenberger | Mar 30, 2018 | Skidmore College
Students have taken to the streets in the largest showing of a student led movement since the Anti-War Movement protesting U.S. involvement in Vietnam. On March 24, students, teachers, and supporters of further gun restrictions took to the streets in over 800 marches...