by Baha Bilgin | Jan 5, 2022 | Koç University
On November 21, 2021, Chile conducted general elections, which included presidential, parliamentary, and regional elections. The general elections were conducted in the midst of a democratic legitimacy crisis that emerged in 2019 with large-scale mass protests about...
by Anna Kimberly | Dec 5, 2021 | Georgia State University
Norway has historically been one of the most robust and successful democracies especially since the end of World War II and Nazi occupation. The country consistently ranks high on metrics of human development including Freedom House, raking Norway 100 out of 100...
by Aziz Kabia | Dec 5, 2021 | Georgia State University
The intricate relationship between authoritarian forms of contemporary populism and its potential implications on democratic order is incredibly important, but also, almost entirely paradoxical. On the one hand, populist leaders are often exceptionally effective in...
by Natalia Dutra | Dec 2, 2021 | Georgia State University
After the sharp turn that the Moreno administration took, is Ecuador finally free from Populism’s deadly grip? While it seemed that the presidency of Rafael Correa would be the end of democracy in Ecuador, the unexpected election of President Lenín Moreno signaled a...
by Frances Fields | Nov 30, 2021 | University of Georgia
For 25 years, one of the greatest protections of free speech survived within a law largely created to limit free speech on the Internet. Three years after the Internet became public, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 was passed to prevent certain indecent...