Democratic Backsliding in Bolivia

Bolivia is a Presidential Republican governmental state. In 2005, Bolivia moved toward socialism by electing Evo Morales as president. He ran on a promise to change the traditional political class of the country and empower the nation’s poor and indigenous people...
The Trouble in North Carolina

The Trouble in North Carolina

How anti-democratic measures are eroding democratic norms in North Carolina In the book How Democracies Die, Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky argue that backsliding governments may reject the democratic rules of the game in order to keep power, and may employ any...
New World Order by Thomas Martino

New World Order by Thomas Martino

The Gulf War On September 11, 1990, President H.W. Bush addressed a joint session of Congress concerning the Gulf War. The War was a decisive victory for the United States and a coalition of more than twenty other nations. The Iraqi troops occupying Kuwait were...