by Drew Anderson | Nov 21, 2023 | Northeastern University
United States work stoppages and organized labor activity in 2023 are reaching a level not seen in decades, as hundreds of thousands of workers across the country take to the picket line. Meanwhile, a dysfunctional federal government narrowly avoids yet another...
by Britton Dedmon | Nov 21, 2023 | University of Memphis
The shape of the Venezuelan nation has been suffering for decades now. What was once a booming country has been on a rapid decline. The petrostate quality of the nation has switched from a saving grace to a hindrance under the elites and governance of Venezuela in the...
by Anna Palmer | Nov 21, 2023 | Northeastern University
In their past eight years of control, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has eroded judicial and constitution checks and balances while centralizing media ownership. These attacks on democratic values have allowed the party to create biased state-sponsored...
by Tom Huynh | Nov 20, 2023 | University of Memphis
The Democratic Erosion Project exist to help shed light on how democracy falls apart and ways to preserve it as the rise of authoritarian states spread across the democratic world. However in the context of the United States, stealth authoritarianism is an American...
by Jadie Minhas | Oct 30, 2023 | Arizona State University
***Note from the author: My post is meant to analyze constructively the state of democratic institutions in Israel and remark on how the current conflict affects this. It is not meant to give support to any side in this conflict. Israel, a multiparty democracy, finds...