by Polina L | Apr 20, 2022 | Rollins College
“In 10 years, will we still be the seventh power in the world? Will we still be a sovereign nation or an auxiliary of the United States, a counter of China? Will we be a united nation or a fragmented one? Faced with these vital questions, there is no fatality. Neither...
by Tiffany R | Apr 20, 2022 | Rollins College
Alex Jones’s job consists of profiting off of formulating outlandish conspiracy theories, exploiting national tragedies, and eliciting emotions such as fear and anger in his audience. But it’s all a harmless business endeavor, right? Wrong. His extremist conspiracy...
by Neal Ellison | Apr 20, 2022 | University of Georgia
In the Appalachian foothills of Tennessee, a congregation gathers every Sunday like many churches across the United States. The church is a barn-like structure with a giant American flag painted across a tin roof. The nationalistic decoration gives a ostentatious...
by Jack Rowe | Apr 11, 2022 | SUNY-Binghamton
Ingroup vs. Outgroup Background Conflict has been stirred up in the United States for several years now. The political parties have an omnipresent hold on American life and real people are fighting over which group is superior every day. The theory of Ingroup vs....
by Cristi V | Apr 5, 2022 | Rollins College
Since the year 2000, Peru has had the longest period of democracy in the country’s history. As a Latin American nation, the South American country struggled to achieve a stable democracy for years. The past 21 years have been synonymous with economic growth and...