by Anna Thorner | Jun 25, 2024 | University of the Philippines, Diliman
by Julian Matthew Formadero and Lance Carlo Mendoza In May 2016, with 16 million votes, the Philippines elected Rodrigo Duterte as its 16th president. The foul-mouthed former mayor of Davao, who was a virtual nobody just a year prior, won on a promise of eradicating...
by Anna Thorner | Jun 5, 2024 | Arizona State University
American and Brazilian politics are intimately interconnected, and as a result have comparably similar social trends with misinformation, public trust, and violent tendencies. Following the 2020 American presidential election, there has been a rise in election...
by JASPER PAGTALUNAN | May 23, 2024 | University of the Philippines, Diliman
Antecedent to Leni Robredo’s declaration of her presidential candidacy in the 2022 Philippine elections, a vibrant pink becomes a beacon of hope initiating a people-led movement that soon rallied for the presidential aspirant’s “honest government” campaign “for a...
by JOHN MARK SANTOS | May 23, 2024 | University of the Philippines, Diliman
Who would have thought that the term ‘change’ could undermine streamlining the bureaucratic process by growing the political division and recurring issues in Philippine politics? With the effects of global grievances, will Charter Change be coming? Charter Change or...
by Anna Thorner | Apr 30, 2024 | William Jewell College
The United States is one of the world’s oldest democracies, being originally founded in 1776. In contrast to nations that have existed for centuries, America is only 247 years old. Since its founding, America held one idea very highly, which is the system...