by Cassandra Dula | Mar 8, 2018 | Ohio State University
“Where do I even start?” This is what read on a large sign at the 2018 Cleveland Women’s March, fashioned out of a piece of cardboard and written in bold, black letters. On January 20th, hundreds of people gathered in downtown Cleveland to march for gender equality,...
by Mackenzie Patrick | Mar 7, 2018 | Ohio State University
The U.S. legislature is killing popular sovereignty. Planned Parenthood is working to save it. Since 1916, Planned Parenthood has been providing healthcare for primarily low-income, minority individuals and families. As an international nonprofit that serves 83,682...
by Trey Robinson | Mar 4, 2018 | Georgia State University
Much of what the media addresses surrounding the Trump administration is over possible misconduct that is neither actually proven, nor serious enough to force any true backlash against them. This diverts the conversation away from the discussion that really matters;...
by Yanebi Blanco Bayona | Mar 2, 2018 | Skidmore College
Undoubtedly, Donald Trump’s victory constitutes a turning point in the history of the United States. What many have labeled as the “Trump effect” can have a long lasting impact in the state of American democracy. However, this concept does not refer...
by Wallace Anne Cloud | Mar 2, 2018 | Skidmore College
This past week was an incredible important one for the Supreme Court, particularly in the area of immigration, and concluded in a frightening loss of rights for legal immigrants. After several years of delays, Jennings v. Rodriguez was finally reversed in a 5-3...