by Elizabeth Meyers | Oct 17, 2022 | Boston University
“I alone can fix it”. Five simple words which have the power to jeopardize American democracy. With Trump’s use of such rhetoric at the Republican National Committee (RNC) in 2016 when referring to the political establishment, his bold statements painting the media as...
by Kenzie Bins | Oct 17, 2022 | Boston University
One of the most notable weaknesses of American democracy is its system of voting. Claims of widespread fraud following the 2020 presidential election perpetrated by one of the candidates are just the tip of the iceberg concerning the erosion of democratic practices...
by Methusella Rwabose | Jun 25, 2022 | University of Denver
It’s been nearly three years since most Americans elected president Biden into office; however, his election left some Americans hopeless and unsure of American exceptionalism regarding democracy as many American once knew it. The hopelessness is not because...
by Maggie Pierce | Jun 3, 2022 | University of California, San Diego
Following the first round of presidential elections, in which no candidate received a majority of the votes, Colombia’s top two candidates will compete in a runoff election on June 19, 2022. Colombia is caught up in their presidential election since the...
by Julia Battle | May 27, 2022 | Dartmouth College
Replacement theory, the white nationalist conspiracy that has been co-opted by the mainstream Right and espoused by mass murderers, is not uncommon in today’s political discourse. In particular, it has been used by right-wing populists, including Donald Trump, to...