by Madison Wadsworth | Apr 4, 2019 | Utah State University
Madison R. Wadsworth It seems as though every day there is another article about the United States President, Donald Trump, calling reporters foul names, trying to bar partisan press from press conferences, or casually dismissing their findings by the now infamous...
by Anagha Kadambi | Apr 23, 2018 | American University
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, under pressure from the news media, opposition parties, and others, recently withdrew a proposed bill to punish purveyors of so-called “fake news” by stripping them of accreditation.[1] This accreditation allows journalists and...
by CAITLIN ELLEN BUCKLEY | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
As the 2017 September election approached, German Chancellor Angela Merkel found herself preparing to takeon a familiar entity on an unfamiliar scale. This entity, one that had already threatened French President Emmanuel Macron and contributed to the take...
by John Iacovino | Nov 17, 2017 | Boston University
Congress is considering imposing new restrictions on online political ads, advocating for transparency in content found on social media sites. Regulation on internet advertisement is still generally limited, and advocates for internet anonymity argue that freedom of...
by Victor Brechenmacher | Nov 17, 2017 | Boston University
It’s become a received wisdom of sorts that the media failed to grasp Donald Trump’s rise in 2016 ahead of time because “the press [took] him literally, but not seriously; his supporters [took] him seriously, but not literally.” Too focused on...