Dying Democracy in Israel

***Note from the author: My post is meant to analyze constructively the state of democratic institutions in Israel and remark on how the current conflict affects this. It is not meant to give support to any side in this conflict. Israel, a multiparty democracy, finds...

Democratic Erosion Causes In Israel

An analysis of democratic backsliding in Israel that have led to today This post analyzes the structures from both a societal standpoint and a structural standpoint in Israel over the last few years. This is in response to a CNN article on July 25, 2023 that pointed...

Netanyahu: The Threat to Israel’s Democracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu In the past year, tensions between Palestine and Israel have begun to deepen and spiral into large problems of violence and resentment. In the past year or so, at least 40 Israelis and 200 Palestinians were killed in east...