by Lucas Aguayo-Garber | May 9, 2022 | Brown University
At the end of last month the Biden administration unveiled a new “Disinformation Board” within the Department of Homeland Security, aimed at attacking online “disinformation” as a national security threat in and of itself. Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has...
by Marielle Simbulan | Apr 22, 2022 | Boston University
The freedom of the press and media are essential components to democracy and there must be a continuous fight for it in order to protect countries from declining democratically. With free press, it allows for there to be accountability held against the government and...
by Parker Berke | Feb 26, 2022 | University of Chicago
It is common for people to look at the destruction of foreign nations’ democratic institutions with confusion. They wonder how anyone could sit back and allow their government to be destroyed, or not realize the problems happening before their eyes. However, it is not...
by Julianna Rossi | Nov 18, 2020 | University of Chicago
Poland’s media problem began with President Andrzej Duda’s election in 2015. He started with blatant attempts to control the commanding heights of the media, especially public television. Duda accomplished this by directly controlling messages published on TV...
by Peter Fedyk | May 15, 2020 | Georgia State University
Poland’s Law and Justice party has infamously peeled back layers of democracy year by year since their surprise majority win in 2015. Using their control of both houses of the legislative branch, the party have made unprecedented moves against the independence of the...