by Daniel Abramson | Apr 9, 2019 | Boston University
Freedom of the press is considered almost unanimously by political scientists and theorists as crucial for a healthy democracy. Freedom of speech, assembly, and press create an environment with many diverse sources of information. An independent press fosters...
by Madison Wadsworth | Apr 4, 2019 | Utah State University
Madison R. Wadsworth It seems as though every day there is another article about the United States President, Donald Trump, calling reporters foul names, trying to bar partisan press from press conferences, or casually dismissing their findings by the now infamous...
by Isabel Colyer | Apr 4, 2019 | Saint Louis University
On Sunday, January 13th of this year, hundreds of Polish residents flocked to an outdoor stage in Gdansk to attend the Great Orchestra of Christmas, Poland’s largest annual charity event. It was the Grand Finale concert, and audiences expected to enjoy the music while...
by Garrett Rich | Apr 3, 2019 | Utah State University
The media is the main source of information concerning current events and politics, because of this it has a lot of power to influence the minds of its viewers, for better or for worse. In the current political climate, the political parties have become polarized as...
by Matthew Mottet | Oct 23, 2018 | Georgia State University
Is it necessarily true that “the cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy”? In 1972 the McGovern-Fraser Commission revolutionized America’s primary system under this quote. For centuries Presidential nominees were chosen through undemocratic methods, but in...