by Alperen Sen | May 28, 2020 | Koç University
A lot of emphasis has been made on the anti-democratic agenda of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) government in Poland [1]. Head of Poland Supreme Court says the country is moving towards an authoritarian state [2]. Poland is recently encountered with the PiS...
by Peter Fedyk | May 15, 2020 | Georgia State University
Poland’s Law and Justice party has infamously peeled back layers of democracy year by year since their surprise majority win in 2015. Using their control of both houses of the legislative branch, the party have made unprecedented moves against the independence of the...
by Selen Esencay | Apr 27, 2020 | Bilkent University
On April 15, the Polish Parliament enacted the “Stop Abortion” bill. Although the Sejm[1] decided to redirect the bill for further review in parliamentary committees, the government was criticized for taking advantage of the COVID-19’s restrictive measures to...
by Mary Farrell | Apr 13, 2020 | American University
Crises have always created opportunities for undemocratic leaders to consolidate power. Hitler used the Reichstag fire, Alberto Fujimori used the threat of communist violence in Peru, and Vladimir Putin took advantage of the chaos in post-communist Russia. Most...
by John W | Apr 6, 2020 | Rollins College
In recent years, a fear has taken hold that democratic erosion is occurring all across the globe, from the United States to the Philippines. Many theories have been introduced in an attempt to explain why this is occurring and how it can be stopped. While the subject...