by Natalia Dutra | Dec 2, 2021 | Georgia State University
After the sharp turn that the Moreno administration took, is Ecuador finally free from Populism’s deadly grip? While it seemed that the presidency of Rafael Correa would be the end of democracy in Ecuador, the unexpected election of President Lenín Moreno signaled a...
by Cameron Yarbrough | Dec 2, 2021 | Georgia State University
Álvaro Uribe Vélez was the president of the Republic of Colombia from 2002-2010. Prior to and during his time as president, Colombia was engaged in a civil war between the government and several militant groups, the most notable being the Revolutionary Armed Forces of...
by Sterling Snape | Nov 30, 2021 | University of Georgia
It is no question that Western democracies have seen a rise in support for populist parties in the early 21st century. What has been up for debate is why. Since the beginning of the globalization movement in the 1990s, political scientists have argued about what...
by Maegan Taback | Nov 30, 2021 | University of Georgia
The Middle East’s only democracy is beginning to erode. Israel, although a flawed democracy, has maintained the sole title of democracy in the Middle East, which is overrun by authoritarian regimes and instability. However, throughout the past few years...
by Gonzalo Meza | Nov 29, 2021 | Georgia State University
Mexico’s Democracy, on the Path to Autocratization? Gonzalo Meza In 2018, the left-wing candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), from the newly founded National Regeneration Movement, Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional, MORENA, won the Mexican presidency with...