by Hallie W | Apr 6, 2020 | Rollins College
“Democracy’s Enemy Within,” an article published by the Economist in August of 2019, discusses the fatal flaw that is deteriorating many of the world’s modern democracies from the inside out: Cynicism. Cynicism in a political sense is public distrust towards leaders...
by David Ahern | Mar 30, 2020 | American University
In 2016, the populist Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) took center stage in Lithuanian politics after unexpectedly winning a plurality in the legislative Seimas (Navickas 2017). The party recruited electable politicians from all corners of politics,...
by Donovan Giardina | Mar 23, 2020 | Georgia State University Both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders run on populist’s platforms that claim to be in favor of the people, but how can they have such different political...
by Alexandria Bergado | Dec 9, 2019 | University of the Philippines, Diliman
Last September, I started a new job in Manila City. Despite having lived right next to it for all of my adult life, spending most of my waking hours in a new city – the country’s capital – has taken some getting used to. On top of the disorientation of adjusting to a...
by Xiara Magtibay | Dec 3, 2019 | University of the Philippines, Diliman
“The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea shall reside in the people and the authority shall emanate from the people.”-Section 2, Article 1, Chapter 1, Constitution of the Republic of Korea Populism as defined in Benjamin Moffitt’s The Global Rise of Populism:...