by KEVIN ANDREW KENDALL | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
Kenya’s politics are public, equal, and free. In 1991, the transformation from a single party to a multiparty democracy was one of the biggest changes within their country. Kenya went from having political instability to having a promising future of democracy...
by SAMANTHA LYNN MOAN | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner followed in the footsteps of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, bringing in a new leftist wave of populism to Argentina. Kirchner’s efforts to censor the media, degrade autonomous institutions, and silence opposition highlight her...
by Carolyn Stephens | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
In 2016, the populist Law and Justice party (PiS) of Poland gained a majority in the lower house of parliament without a coalition. The party consequently used their legislative power to adjust the judicial and electoral systems in their own favor. This legislation...
by JONATHAN PAUL KIDD | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
“…And yet, the amateurs are the ones conquering the world and I’m rejoicing in it because the professionals are the ones who have reduced the world to this state”(Durden). – Beppe Grillo A Dangerous storm of Populism and Authoritarianism has been brewing in...
by UMA MUKUL VAINGANKAR | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
RIDING IN ON A LOW Hugo Chavez rose to power in Venezuela almost two decades ago in the midst of public distrust and discontentment with the Venezuelan government and judiciary. In 1992, Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez Rodríguez survived two coup attempts led by then...