by KYAW LWIN | Oct 5, 2023 | School of Public Policy, Chiang Mai University
In recent years, populism has surged onto the global political stage, becoming a formidable political force (Guttieri, 2019). It draws its strength from its appeal to the perceived grievances of ordinary citizens against a privileged elite, transcending borders to...
by Ryan Yong | Jul 24, 2022 | Dartmouth College
This month, former Uber lobbyist Mark MacGann revealed over 124,000 documents of extensive notes and messages between world leaders and Uber executives around the world, which laid the foundation to Uber’s rapid success. The Uber Files illustrate the importance of...
by Kaan Aksoy | Apr 22, 2020 | Bilkent University
Aspiring autocrats do not necessarily need to seek out ways to legitimise their attacks on the institutions of democracy, such as free media, checks and balances, and civil society. Sometimes, such legitimacy is granted to them by the forces beyond the control of...
by Troy | Apr 19, 2020 | Suffolk University
Navy Captain Brett Crozier addressing his crew in 2019 As of today, the world continues to be shut down as the entire international community scrambles to fight COVID-19, a fight that has become a world war between democracy and an unprecedented pandemic. Ironically...
by Warren Epstein | Apr 28, 2019 | University of Chicago
The Difference between Scandal and Democratic Backsliding. Trudeau’s SNC-Lavalin scandal while undermining the rule of the law is not sufficient to claim that Canada is experiencing Democratic Backsliding. In his introduction to “Stealth Authoritarianism,” Ozan...