by Ayca Senturk | Feb 3, 2025 | Sabanci University
Turkey has been governed under a competitive authoritarian regime for almost a decade. The incumbent Justice and Development Party (AKP) has held power for the last 22 years, with the past decade showing a shift towards authoritarianism. Scholars believe that the...
by | Nov 4, 2024 | Ohio State University
In August of this year Turkey’s Information and Communication Technologies Authority blocked the social media platform Instagram as an effort to regulate access to the internet. With the rapid blocking of Instagram, a platform with over 50 million Turkish users out of...
by Anna Thorner | Jan 7, 2024 | Sabanci University
Both leaders have faced criticism for actions that limit the indolence of the media, thereby constraining the free flow of salt information. Orban’s government has been accused of exerting control over media outlets and creating a less pluralistic media landscape....
by Laylah Gasca | Nov 20, 2023 | University of Memphis
Recep Erdogan has just won his third consecutive term as Turkey’s president, so what does this mean for Turkey’s democracy? What was once a thriving example of a steady democracy to its neighboring countries, is now facing its all-time low in terms of...
by Erem Bilgesu | Jan 5, 2023 | Sabanci University
Recently, the global rise of democratic regimes starting during the 1970s with the Third Wave of Democratization has stopped. This wave was then replaced by a rise in autocratic regimes throughout the World. There have been numerous examples of former democracies...