by Samuel Gilman | Oct 19, 2020 | Williams College
Democracy in the United States is slowly collapsing under the weight of hyper-partisanship and demagoguery. Enabled by the Republican Party, Donald Trump has placed an incredible amount of strain on the country’s democratic institutions and norms. According to Freedom...
by MaKenna Waszgis | Oct 19, 2020 | University of Georgia
Fake news could be one of the most potentially harmful things to democracy. With the presence of social media platforms growing more and more within the field of politics each day, there has undoubtedly been a growing number of fake news accounts popping up on social...
by Matthew Holmquist | Oct 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Only one U.S. president has won his election without being aligned with one of the two major political parties. His name was George Washington. All presidents after him, whether they were Federalist, Whig, or, as they’ve been recently, Democrat or Republican aligned...
by Mary Renfroe | Oct 15, 2020 | University of Georgia
While there have been highly contentious U.S. presidential elections in the past, there has never been reason to question if the presidential incumbent would step down in the face of a loss. However, as with many political traditions, Trump has broken this assumption...
by Gianluca Mangione | Oct 15, 2020 | Northeastern University
With the United States approaching its most contentious election yet, the atmosphere feels like a Latin American déjà vu… As President Hugo Chavez threatened his opponents on live television the night of December 5th of 2007, Venezuelan college students celebrated...