by William Solomons, Jr. | Apr 29, 2020 | Georgia State University
An impeachment witness is now an ex-government employee after President Trump asserted his borderline tyrannical presidential powers to remove his political adversaries. 2020 has already been a year of political divisiveness that has been unparalleled in American...
by Hallie W | Apr 24, 2020 | Rollins College
Fake news as a political influence is not a recent development, but partisan differences strengthening in United States democracy paired with increasing distribution through online media outlets has brought symptoms and solutions to a national debate. The April 2018...
by Troy | Apr 24, 2020 | Suffolk University
Interview of Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, hosted by Anderson Cooper for CNN’s Newsroom Have people not learned from the Tuskegee experiment which began in 1932? In the past few days, news outlets and people all over the internet have been re-posting and...
by Troy | Apr 19, 2020 | Suffolk University
Navy Captain Brett Crozier addressing his crew in 2019 As of today, the world continues to be shut down as the entire international community scrambles to fight COVID-19, a fight that has become a world war between democracy and an unprecedented pandemic. Ironically...
by Jerson Dubon Martinez | Apr 15, 2020 | Georgia State University
The current political state of American politics has resulted in an overall concern that our democracy is in crisis. Contemporary concern of an unresponsive political system aimed towards addressing domestic and foreign challenges have increased frustration among...