by Lily Bryant | Apr 8, 2019 | Boston University
It has been nearly two years since Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel to investigate President Trump for evidence of collusion during the 2016 presidential election and obstruction of an FBI probe in early 2017.Hundreds of hearings, subpoenas, and...
by Madison Wadsworth | Apr 4, 2019 | Utah State University
Madison R. Wadsworth It seems as though every day there is another article about the United States President, Donald Trump, calling reporters foul names, trying to bar partisan press from press conferences, or casually dismissing their findings by the now infamous...
by Kyle Friant | Apr 4, 2019 | Utah State University
Antipathy to liberal democracy has become a staple of the modern incarnation of the Republican Party, a move that is detrimental to the entire international community. In a myriad of examples over the past couple of years, there appears to be a party-wide embrace of...
by Matt Willis | Mar 31, 2019 | Rollins College
In his article, Max Fisher of the New York Times describes an intriguing conundrum in the democratic process, and two parallel cases that expose it. At the forefront is a recall election in the town of Fall River, Massachusetts, in which a mayor prosecuted for fraud...
by Samuel Reeder | Mar 31, 2019 | American University
President Donald Trump has been consistently undermining and discrediting the news media in the United States since the start of his campaign back in 2016. The president, who has famously popularized the term “fake news”, called the media “the enemy of the people”,...