by Woeser Dolma | Mar 27, 2018 | Skidmore College
On March 25th, I attended the March for our lives protest in New York City. March for life’s mission is to embrace and protect individual’s life. This campaign has seen massive national support as a direct result of the Parkland, Florida High School shooting where 17...
by Maryam Kilani | Mar 27, 2018 | Georgia State University
There is no question that since Trump was elected, the stock market has experienced a feeling of ecstasy. Trump announced during his state of the union address that over his tenure as president the economy has been expanding significantly. High stock market...
by Wabantu Hlophe | Mar 21, 2018 | Yale University
When trying to understand what drives democratic erosion, complacency by politicians at the grassroots is often ignored; a worrisome omission, to say the least. Here, we turn our attention to the particular case of municipal-level government, in New Haven, CT, as...
by Maria Wakeman | Mar 21, 2018 | Yale University
On February 20th, I attended the New Haven Board of Alders meeting, which meets publicly every month. New Haven has a Board of 30 Alders, each one representing a specific section of the city. Demographically, the Board is comprised of predominantly Latino and African...
by Oluwabomi Fagbemi | Mar 18, 2018 | University of Pennsylvania
I attended #ReformPhilly: Bringing Injustice to Light, an event organized by Roc Nation in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania’s Political Science department and student activist groups such as BARS: Beyond Arrests Rethinking Systematic Oppression on...