by Ginger Li | Mar 18, 2018 | Yale University
On February 21, 2018 at the New Haven City Hall, the Education Committee of the New Haven Board of Alders convened for a “Workshop on the Welfare of the Recent Student Arrivals from Puerto Rico.” New Haven-area public schools have been working to integrate students in...
by Sarah Armstrong | Mar 17, 2018 | Yale University
On March 5, New Haven’s Board of Alders conducted an open meeting—as they do twice each month—to review proposed legislation. With my own pew in the sparsely populated aldermanic chamber, I watched board president Tyisha Walker-Myers quickly run through the agenda,...
by LAISCE KAYE MATTIE MCDOWELL | Mar 15, 2018 | University of California, Los Angeles
From the beginning of democratization in Ethiopia until present, the government has experienced viable democratic erosion simply by displaying a weak commitment to democratic rules of the game. Within the Ethiopian Constitution it explicitly states in chapter two,...
by Bailey Markowski | Mar 9, 2018 | Ohio State University
Planned Parenthood usually brings to mind debates about abortion, Roe v. Wade, the Women’s March vs. The March for Life, and plenty of other controversial topics, mostly on a national scale. But the unsung victories for Planned Parenthood come at the local level,...