Democratic Erosion University Course Student Blog
Students enrolled in our course are encouraged to write for the course blog, and to read and comment on posts from students at other participating universities. The blog offers students the opportunity to analyze current events through the lens of the theory and case studies they engage with through the course.
Donald Trump the Nazi Reincarnate?: Godwin’s Law and How This Phenomenon is Counterproductive to Understanding Democratic Erosion
What do we hope to accomplish when comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, a tyrannical perpetrator of genocide?
The Russia-Ukraine War Bodes Poorly for Democracy, But Not in the Way You Think
The Russia-Ukraine War is a serious threat to global democracy through the growing wave of isolationism in the United States, an entity that has typically been at the forefront of fighting authoritarianism across the world.
The Trump Administration’s Attack on USAID
The Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle USAID, increase concerns about democratic backsliding as it could result in a trend with the executive undermining institutional legitimacy.
Correlation between Growing Evangelical Communities and Rising Populism
Jun 9, 2022 | University of California, San Diego
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (Apu Gomes / AFP / Getty) In the last few years, we have seen the...
Brazilians Will Have To Choose The Lesser of Two Evils
Jun 9, 2022 | University of California, San Diego
Jonne Roriz/Bloomberg via Getty Images This year is an election year for the fourth biggest democracy...
A Warrior for Public Will: Planned Parenthood and the Eroded Legislature by Mackenzie Patrick @ The Ohio State University
Mar 7, 2018 | Ohio State University
The U.S. legislature is killing popular sovereignty. Planned Parenthood is working to save it. Since 1916, Planned Parenthood has been providing healthcare for primarily low-income, minority...
“A Certain Sort of Political Justice”: An Interview with Zack Space by Joseph Glandorf @ The Ohio State University
Mar 7, 2018 | Ohio State University
Zack Space wants to help restore American democracy from one of the last places you’d expect: the desk of the Ohio State Auditor. I'm an intern on Space’s campaign this semester. In lieu of...
Undemocratic America: How Gerrymandering is Diminishing the US Democracy by Ra’Shad Johnson @Georgia State University
Mar 7, 2018 | Georgia State University
The democratic gem, the United States, is undergoing extensive backsliding due in part to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering by definition means to divide - to divide a state into districts as to...
To the Viktor go the Spoils: Orbán’s Campaign Against Democracy by Judson Elsholz @ Georgia State University
Mar 6, 2018 | Georgia State University
Hungary has become a threat to democracy in Europe. Under the rule of Viktor Orbán, Hungary slid from a somewhat stable democracy to what can now be considered a full-blown authoritarian regime....
Civil Resistance Gives me Hope for America by Jillian Newman @ Ohio State University
Mar 5, 2018 | Ohio State University
“Fight for freedom” was the mantra of the night. As I heard this phrase said all night, I felt hope and pride for the United States. Earlier this year, I attended an open mic night at a local café....
When America Forgets Itself: How the GOP is Destroying Traditional Democratic Norms by Trey Robinson @ Georgia State University
Mar 4, 2018 | Georgia State University
Much of what the media addresses surrounding the Trump administration is over possible misconduct that is neither actually proven, nor serious enough to force any true backlash against them. This...
Lobbying, the NRA, and Democratic Erosion: What Would Marco Rubio Do For a Million Dollars? by Max Mapes @ Skidmore College
Mar 2, 2018 | Skidmore College
Two weeks ago, on February 14th, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida joined the list of schools who terrorized by gun violence. While appalling, the shooting is not surprising,...
Women against “Trumpism” by Yanebi Blanco @ Skidmore College
Mar 2, 2018 | Skidmore College
Undoubtedly, Donald Trump's victory constitutes a turning point in the history of the United States. What many have labeled as the "Trump effect" can have a long lasting impact in the state of...
If Trump Is a Threat to Democracy, Is the GOP Becoming a Semi-Loyal Opposition? by Jack Galardi @ Skidmore College
Mar 2, 2018 | Skidmore College
Donald Trump and the Republican Party have shared a largely turbulent relationship throughout Trump’s stint in the White House and his 2016 presidential campaign. He made very few friends during the...