Aries A. Arugay is Professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. Since 2001, he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on comparative politics, international relations, research methods, and political thought. His main research interests are comparative democratization, civil-military relations, electoral politics, and foreign policy. He has articles published in journals such as American Behavioral Scientist, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Asian Perspective, Journal of East Asian Studies, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, Philippine Political Science Journal, Philippine Sociological Journal, and Southeast Asian Affairs, and wrote several book chapters published by Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan. Aries is also Editor-in-Chief of Asian Politics & Policy, a ranked-journal in political science and international relations published by Wiley and the US-based Policy Studies Organization.
He obtained his PhD in Political Science from Georgia State University (United States) in 2014 as a Fulbright Fellow. He obtained his MA and BA (cum laude) in Political Science from the University of the Philippines-Diliman.
Twitter: @ariesarugay