Hannah Baron

Hannah Baron is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research at Tulane University and co-founder of the Democratic Erosion Consortium. Hannah completed her Ph.D. in Political Science at Brown University in 2023, and was previously a Predoctoral Fellow at the Center for US-Mexican Studies, UC San Diego (2021-23), a Peace Scholar Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace (2021-22), and an Emerging Scholar awarded by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (2021-22).

Hannah’s research examines criminal and political violence and democratic backsliding, with a country focus on Mexico and a particular interest in the politics of vigilantism and lynching, policing, and extralegal violence more broadly. In addition to her substantive areas of interest, she has ongoing collaborative projects to evaluate and improve research ethics in violent contexts. She earned a BA in Romance Languages & Literatures and Studies of Women, Gender, & Sexuality from Harvard College, magna cum laude.

See her CV here.

Visit her personal website here.

