The Democratic Erosion Consortium:

A Research, Teaching & Policy Collaboration

About US

Promoting Evidence & Learning About Democratic Backsliding

The Democratic Erosion Consortium (DEC) is a nonpartisan, collaborative effort to address the global challenge of democratic erosion through research, teaching, and multi-stakeholder collaboration. Our focus areas include pedagogy, data collection, research synthesis, and public outreach, with the goal of leveraging evidence to better respond to democratic backsliding worldwide.

Teaching & Learning

Learn about our teaching and pedagogy work, including our Democratic Erosion Course that has been offered at more than 75 universities around the world.

Documenting Democratic Erosion Through Data

Explore and use our Democratic Erosion Event Dataset (DEED), access our online visualizations, or download the full dataset.

Making Evidence Accessible With Briefs

Download our Democratic Erosion Evidence Briefs (DEE-Briefs), which aim to increase the accessibility, usefulness, and responsiveness of existing evidence for policymakers, practitioners, the media, and the broader public.

Fostering Communication, Learning & Partnerships

Join our multi-stakeholder network, attend virtual events, and sign up for our listserv to stay connected with our network.


Teaching & Learning

The Democratic Erosion Consortium offers a semester-long standardized university course on democratic erosion, making the syllabus, readings, and collaborative assignments accessible to any faculty member around the world.


Understanding Trends in Democratic Erosion

The Democratic Erosion Event Dataset (DEED) tracks discrete events related to democratic erosion and autocratic consolidation across countries and over time, providing valuable insights into the process of democratic erosion around the world.


Democratic Erosion Evidence Briefs (DEE-Briefs)

DEE-Briefs increase the accessibility, usefulness, and responsiveness of existing evidence for policymakers, practitioners, and the broader public.


Engage with the Democratic Erosion Consortium

We foster partnerships between academics, policymakers, and practitioners through both in-person and online events, providing opportunities to network and engage.


Engage with the Democratic Erosion Consortium

We foster partnerships between academics, policymakers, and practitioners, through in-person and online events and opportunities to network and engage.


Teaching & Learning

The Democratic Erosion Consortium offers a semester-long standardized university course on democratic erosion, making the syllabus, readings and collaborative assignments accessible to any faculty member around the world. We will soon be launching an online Democratic Erosion Short Course aimed at policymakers and practitioners.


Understanding Trends in Democratic Erosion

The Democratic Erosion Event Dataset (DEED) tracks discrete events related to democratic erosion and autocratic consolidation across countries and over time, providing valuable insights into the process of democratic erosion around the world.


Democratic Erosion Evidence Briefs (DEE-Briefs)

DEE-Briefs aim to increase the accessibility, usefulness, and responsiveness of existing evidence for policymakers, practitioners, the media, and the broader public.

Student Blog

Democratic Erosion Course Student Blog

Read our students’ insightful analysis of current events and democratic backsliding.

The Democratic Erosion Consortium is grateful for support from: