by Anna Thorner | Apr 13, 2024 | William Jewell College
Most scholars who follow American democratic erosion begin with social polarization and attempt to find some sociological argument for it. Some thinkers, such as Kathy Cramer, argue that polarization is forming along regional lines, while others like Arlie Hochschild...
by Camden Sloan | Apr 11, 2024 | Georgia State University
The increase of social media over the past few decades has been influential in so many ways, causing the way people live their lives to change entirely. The ability to meet new friends, access to unlimited sources of information, and endless social media platforms all...
by Jia Xin Luo | Nov 22, 2023 | Northeastern University
What is gridlock and polarization? Political theorist, Jennifer McCoy, defines polarization as, “a process whereby the normal multiplicity of differences in a society increasingly align along a single dimension and people increasingly perceive and describe...
by Logan Henley | Nov 21, 2023 | University of Memphis
We seem to see partisanship growing more and more around us and in turn, mutual understanding seems to be regressing. After all, why would one trust and try to act in good faith with a perceived crook, foreign agent, cheat, or an illegitimate actor? Would not they...
by Drew Anderson | Nov 21, 2023 | Northeastern University
United States work stoppages and organized labor activity in 2023 are reaching a level not seen in decades, as hundreds of thousands of workers across the country take to the picket line. Meanwhile, a dysfunctional federal government narrowly avoids yet another...