Jaime Settle
Jaime Settle is the Cornelia Brackenridge Talbot Professor of Government at William & Mary. She is the director of the Social Networks and Political Psychology Lab and co-director of the Social Science Research Methods Center. She has a joint appointment in...
Cristóbal Bellolio
Cristóbal Bellolio is Associated Professor at the School of Government, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile). He holds a PhD. in Political Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Legal & Political Theory from University College London (UK), as well as degrees in Law and...
David Smilde
David Smilde is the Charles A and Leo M Favrot Professor of Human Relations and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Tulane University. He is teaching a seminar called Democratic Erosion and Resilience based on the DEC curriculum. David is a cultural sociologist...