Oct 29, 2017

“Wartime Iraq and Gender Ideologies” by Allante’ Boykin @ University of Memphis

By: Allante Boykin

In war time Iraq, conflict spills from the battlefield into civilian life. As a consequence, the dynamics of the family is corrupted, and homes are left unattended. Woman-headed households are mostly affected by the war at home and susceptible to violence. Traditionally, women are accompanied in public; women are vulnerable to rape, assault, and death in public by themselves . If raped, the woman’s honor is diminished; exile or worse death by a male family member are both options for dishonor. Aside from violence, women-headed households are also disproportionately at risk of poverty. In Iraq, there are limited employment opportunities available to women, because the positions are promised to a male counter-part. Since women are burdened with both providing and taking care of home, these women are more at risk to violence. Iraq is a male-dominant or submissive society, gender role or traditional norms have created a hostile environment for public life and non-gender friendly workforce.

In the lecture, “Gender and Humanitarian Issues in Wartime Iraq”, keynote speaker Susan Hannah Allen provides insight into how cultural context and conflict shapes the consequences of civil conflict for women. After the 2003 invasion by the United States, “Operation Enduring Freedom” Iraq spiraled into a deadly civil war. Although women were not active participants of the civil war, they were left to take on all roles of the male provider. In Dr. Susan Allen’s research, she utilized data from the UNICEF and the World Bank to shed light on the changing gender ideologies and relations during wartime Iraq. She examines occupation, political transitions, and the ongoing conflict that affect women in Iraq. The data finds that the gap between men and women literacy and unemployment has a large effect on the well beings of women and families.

Yes, I agree with Dr. Allen’s argument that cultural context has a direct effect on the consequences of civil conflict, for women. More importantly, I believe that the most important point that Dr. Allen mentioned was that with reconstructing a new state, development could potentially have some negative effects on women in Iraq. On one hand, economy expansion and civil services may shape opportunities available for women. On the other hands, state development challenges the “traditional family” and patriarchal structures. The introduction of such institutions like the World Bank could ensure or implement a new public life for women. In addition it is an attempt to democratize and is a sneak attack on the authoritarian regime. It seems that the World Bank may satisfy women’s economic need, but it is uncertain if it secures safety.

Without realizing, Dr. Susan Allen gives a brief glimpse into the United States interference in international politics and gender in an authoritarian society, in the case of Iraq. According to President George W. Bush, the mission was to confiscate the mass destruction, weapons, end terrorism under the regime of Saddam Hussein, and free the Iraqi people from an authoritarian government. Other question arises such as: “How much should the United States interfere in interactional affairs such as Iraq? Who ultimately pays the cost for ending terrorism and ensuring freedom? Does liberating the people include empowering women rights?

In conclusion, Dr. Susan Allen provides the audience with the argument that women are more affected by civil conflict due to cultural norms. Also the lecture points out the economic and social development that may have something to do with the civil conflict in Iraq, and the changing of gender ideologies. Although Dr. Susan Allen presentation focus primarily on women who have become head of household due to civil conflict, the speaker still managed to include information about the economic and policy development, and what that may mean for women status in Iraq. I believe Dr. Allen’s research and work could be a unique contribution to Middle Eastern scholarship. Also, interest may be sparked that could start more conversations on the topic.

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  1. Marcella Pensamiento

    An interesting read. While I understand most of your points, I am not convinced why introducing state developments like the World Bank would allow a “new public life for women” as you mention. How exactly would the World Bank satisfy a woman’s economic need, and what exactly is her economic need? When reviewing Dr.Allen’s works, it is made evident that the research highlights the asymmetrical distribution of cultural power both genders are given. It is obvious how women in Iraq get the short end of the stick and are disproportionately undercut from basic human rights. Now changing a culture takes more than implementing new state apparatuses. Changing a culture requires immense media coverage of the conversation about women’s rights and changing a culture requires men, those who have agency, to stand up and demand these changes. Of course liberating the people includes the implementation of women’s rights, especially when women make up 41.8% of the population. Numerous studies show when women enter the workforce, wages rise for everyone including men. Productivity is just one of the numerous benefits of culturally allowing women to infiltrate the same positions men do. So yes, to liberate a country is to liberate its women who can in return fortify and improve the state of the nation, and the World Bank probably cannot achieve this on its own.


  2. Lakesha Harahap

    This is an interesting piece. The conflict in Iraq is often looked at through a superficial lens by the international community. While many make the mistake of placing an emphasis on the general violence and new outlook on international security, people tend to overlook the ultimate victims of the war, the civilians — more specifically Iraqi women. Moreover, in peacebuilding and country reconstruction, world leaders often neglect reconstruction that works around the culture and instead use a generic approach that often times does not suit the nation in question. Given Iraq’s cultural context, women need to be provided the tools that will guarantee their safety and rehabilitation. This is something I have never personally consider when thinking about reconstruction. Not only did you bring attention to the ultimate victims of the conflict, but you also highlighted an important concept to take into account when dealing with the reconstruction of Iraq.

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