Oct 27, 2018

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written By: Vincent Davis

Democracy dies when there are no checks and balances; to ensure the newly established United States democracy would be able to secede, the Founding Fathers constructed the Constitution of the United States to ensure the significant hard fought freedom gained from the repressive English Monarchy would endure. The United States became a democracy (rule by the people) when it declared its independence from the King of England in 1776. The citizens wanted a voice in how they were to be governed and were given it through the United States Constitution.  The Founding Fathers were very aware of the inclination to elect a king or a powerful ruler to govern, so they inserted checks and balances in the constitution to prevent any one of the three branches, the executive, congress & senate from becoming too powerful; each branch has the power to veto any act it deemed reckless, or unnecessary. Today, with a “living, breathing” document, that when it’s adhered to, provides the freedom it was drafted for.  However, today, there is a coordinated effort to attack some of its fundamental covenant, such as the freedom of the press. ‘President Donald Trump lashed out at the media Thursday morning, identifying the “fake news” as “the opposition party“’ [1]is a prime example of attacking the parts of the constitution that would provide the citizens to have transparency of the government; the ability to ‘peer behind the curtains’. Attacking the various news outlets allows what is labeled backsliding (a political institution that cannot sustain an existing democracy), and occur when there are no adhered to checks and balances. They were put in place to thwart those human tendencies to elect a king or a powerful ruler, who would not have to answer for his or her actions, if not for the checks and balances.

In writing this paper, I’m wondering If the United States is at risk of democratic backsliding? ‘And would the Constitution prevent such decay’[2]? The temperature in the political arena of today’s politics is showing the distinct signs of the beginning of backsliding. This is being conducted in a stealth mode method. Democratic backsliding is the gradual decline in the quality of democracy, as witnessed and reported in the many US mediums such as newspapers, the 24hrs news channels, and your local news and political contacts. This reporting is being done to make the citizens aware, that if we don’t remain vigilant, and insist on transparency, that backsliding will occur in the United States. The Stealth infusion of democratic erosion has only reinforced that today’s politics is the United States has become a ‘Blood Sport’ and is on display for the world to witness. The executive branch is a prime example of democratic erosion and backsliding with its constant berating of the news, as being ‘fake’ even though the freedom of the press is protected by the constitution, this hasn’t lessened the attacks from the constant berating by the executive branch, and with the support of the other two branches, it has clearly   weakened a vital tool that is used to enable transparency of the operations of the government. With this constant assault on the news, by the administration, and having the assistance of the Congress and the Senate, the backsliding goes unchallenged. Today’s Republican, i.e., the Executive Branch has made it acceptable to disparage the news. This weakening of the news, which is constitutionally protected, is being done without any checks and balances.

The constitution was designed to have checks and balances, a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch, so as, to prevent any one branch from exerting too much power. These balances were put in place with the hopes of fostering mindful conclusion between the ruling political parties.  Democracy dies in darkness when the citizens allow the slow, insidious stealth action of the government to suppress citizen contribution.   The United States Constitution was designed with checks and balances to thwart a king or dictator to rule over his or her subjects without having to answer or be held accountable to the citizens.

In conclusion, the constitution was designed to promote for the wellbeing of the new and developing nation.“We the People of the United States,in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”[3]. I’m of the belief that we are witnessing the beginning of democratic erosion, and democracy dying in darkness.




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