Apr 14, 2019

Democratic Erosion: Propaganda Has Failed Us

Written By: Victoria Slade

Once a month, the Newton County, Georgia Republican Committee hold meetings to discuss two-year plans, new tactics on propaganda, and how the party can spread their ideas and policies throughout the committee to make Newton County a more “red county.”

During the political meeting, no tactics were discussed. It was honestly an underwhelming experience and nothing like any political event I’ve attended before. The leader of the committee invited future Republican chairmen nominees to the meeting so that they could spread their ideas and policies. However, no polices were conveyed, just unrealistic ideas such as, “We will stop all abortions and lock up every criminal on the street, while also deporting every immigrant in the county” Although a majority of the older white male individuals in the room cheered and applauded such outlandish statements, most of the women and younger individuals in the room stayed silent and looked down at their knees. The tension in the meeting was already present, but once the signs, posters, and advertisements began, the use of advocacy and propaganda definitely failed us at that point.

Many of the Republican chairmen that were there to present their ideas brought in their campaign posters, pamphlets, and also showed everyone slide shows. The presentation was attention-grabbing if we’re trying to be positive here. Many of their posters were pretty standard, just the typical, “Vote for me, I’m just like you!” However, their pamphlets and slide shows were a different story. “Harsh, bigotry, and misogynistic” would be three best words to showcase what their posters portrayed. The way the policies were convey was very unprofessional, rightist, and radical. The use of “Mearsheimer’s The Tragedy of Great Power Politic” and the use of Offensive Realism was used because many of the chairmen discussed how the county needs to “up their security” by asserting dominance through the political party.

After the meeting was over, the chairmen made a point to say, “this county needs to become redder, but we will have some issues with that since the left-winged film industry is here and taking over the county.” After that was said, a scoff could be heard in the background, and that is whom I decided to interview. The person I interviewed was a young male who works for the film industry in Newton County and Atlanta. After greeting him and asking the following questions, here is what was obtained: I asked him, “what his occupation was?” and he responded, “I’m a rigging electrician in the film industry.” I then proceeded to ask him, “Why’d you attend this pollical meeting?” He said, “Well, I’m trying to form my own opinions on politics, so I attend numerous political events from all parties to get a general idea of what they’re about and their political ideas, so I can be well rounded on all aspects, but this political meeting was very lack-luster and slanderish… nothing like any other political meeting I’ve been to. The intense propaganda was a failure”

Once the quick interview was over with just those few questions and answers, I gathered that him and I (and I’m sure a few others) had very similar ideas to me, and the idea of the rightist propaganda used during the meeting was a “failure” with its misogynist nature and close-minded tactics.

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