Apr 26, 2019

How students feel about Trump?

Written By: Ireion Howard

On Thursday February 28th, I attended a meeting by a Georgia State organization called Realize. The organization is a comfort zone for students to be able to voice their opinions without being judged or harmed. When the meeting first began we were asked to stand up and tell our names, major, and a fact about us. This was great welcoming experience because I was able to meet some new peers who shared the same political views. The ethnicity at the meeting varied, but most of the attendees were African American. It is also possible to say that everyone who attended the meeting supported the Democratic Party. Having a member from a different supporting party would have been beneficial because we would have had an argument from both sides instead of just one. They would have been able to give details about why they support it and how they feel about the current standings of The President of the United States.  

            The topic of the meeting was Donald Trump and all of his political views. Recently, Michael Cohen gave a testimony saying that Donald Trump is crooked and he works with Russian Mobsters. Everyone was shocked at the fact of Donald Trump give an office to a convicted Russian Mobster. What made matters even worse was that the office was on the same floor as the President’s office. Although I wasn’t able to watch the entire testimony, I was very informed at this meeting. Students then mentioned how during the testimony, Michael had actual proof of the prostitute the President of the United States paid off. This was shocking to me because the President called this woman out her name and embarrassed her in front of the world regardless of her form of work. I then mentioned how the chair members were blaming Michael Cohen and calling him out his name. The chair members weren’t mentioning the real criminal and were ignoring the crimes of the President. A student in the then said: It’s because they are Donald Trumps loyalist”. This stood out to me because Loyalists are usually featured with dictatorships. After this comment another student mentioned how he got into office is because people aren’t voting enough. I then told him that Donald Trump won because of the Electoral College. The Electoral College is a group of members they handpick, so in some terms they have more power than the majority party. It felt good to be able to teach someone and to educate them on things that they didn’t know. This Conversation then led into the next presidential election. 

            While mentioning the next Presidential Elections students cheered and some yelled “Yes, get him out of here”. When I asked why, their response was “Have you heard what he is trying to do to students, I am scared loans are the only reason I am here”.  I agreed with her and now after the event that had transpired after his meeting, I agree with her even more. Recently Donald Trump threaten to take budget cuts from the special needs. This is a topic I would have liked to talk about during the meeting, but unfortunately it happened after. While talking about the next presidential election, the leader asked everyone who they planned to vote for in the next election. Many said Bernie Sanders and some said it’s too early to be able to tell. We spoke about the possible candidates but everyone agreed that it doesn’t matter as long as it’s not Donald Trump. An attendee mentioned the fact that Oprah talked about running but majority of the group said they weren’t voting for her. The reasons were simply because they feel she is untrustworthy. Another attendee brought up the fact that she was once close with Donald Trump and all of the rich and famous men who were called out for their crooked behavior.

                        Towards the end of the meeting I asked a student if I could ask her a few questions regarding the meeting. Her name is Tia and she attended this meeting to open her networking skills and see the stance of the world amongst her peers. When I asked her what her role in the community was, she let me know that she was a student and she works part time job. She informed me that she was a volunteer in her community and she often goes to food drives to feed to sick. I let her known that she is doing amazing work and I also recommended her to keep up the good work. Overall this was a great experience and I’m glad to have found peers who share the same views as I do.

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