Apr 27, 2019

The Core of Democracy in a Community by Baylee Gunnells

Written By: Baylee Gunnells

The Core of Democracy in a Community

The input that a community has in programs and services that are offered by the county presents the ideologies of democratic norms.  Thus, stated  in the article written by Pippa Norris,” Constitutionally, all major actors and organs of the state reflect democratic norms and practices.” The services and programs that are offered in the county communicate with the surrounding individuals in the community to gain more input in what the county should and how the services and applications should be implemented. This transparency that the county has with the citizens presents the core values of democracy that can uphold the continuance of democratic norms in the community.

I, myself attended a Community Engagement Meeting that was hosted by the Department of Parks and Recreation Commission of my county.  The purpose of this commission is to coordinate plans, organize and direct whole park and recreation services. Specifically, the commission in my county manages the planning and execution of athletic and recreational facilities. Also, the commission partners with non-profit organizations, senior services, contractors, vendors, Newton County Citizens to gain input and support to complete the athletic and recreational facilities.  The mission statement provides more insight on how the commission views itself with the community, “ Together we are One Newton by connecting and enriching our community through exceptional experiences, best in class parks and enhancing the quality of life of our citizens.”

    The Recreation Commission contribution to the community is to host meetings that include the community’s input, updates, informs the citizens of the county on projects and programs, collaborates on parks and recreations plans, and hosts park ordinance sessions with the citizens of Newton County. The contributions also consisted of more development into short-term, midterm and long-term plans for the County facilities and promoted initiatives that are for mentoring the youth of Newton County. The goals that are for the present year is to provide excellence parks, facilities, and programs for the citizens of the county. The objectives consisted of increasing participation, extend services and offerings, offer non-traditional programs, upgrade parks and facilities, enhance the safety in those areas, improve customer service for departments and expand existing building foundations. The departments of the commission consisted of Parks, Recreation, Administration, Financial Services and Parks Design. The meeting also presented future projects that would further upgrade and enhance parks and recreation centers. Also, the commission stated some future Community Engagement Events that the community could be in attendance to further engage the county.

The meeting started with the Director Ternard L. Turner addressing the people audience to give as much input as they can to make the experience offered by the commission accustomed to the people that live in the county. All the people in the audience received copies of the whole presentation that was being presented. Then as the display went on more and more people in the audience gave more input. The Director that was showing this presentation listened and told them that he was working with him to write it down. The Director went on to say that the input that was being written down will be communicated amongst his people that he works with to see if any of the information could be done for the community.

The community in this meeting had significant input into what was being implemented by Parks and Recreations Commission. The participation of the people in the audience that attended the meeting showed how much democratic norms expanded throughout the county. The input and the communication that was received by the commission showed how the core; the essence of democratic norms is demonstrated through this Community Engagement Meeting. Thus, stated by Pippa Norris, “ Culturally, the overwhelming majority of people believe that democracy is the best form of government so that any further reforms reflect these values and principles.”  This idea is presented through the meeting in that the individuals and commission had said in how and what the county needed.

The commission and the community in that meeting evaluated the plans for the county. Then, ultimately inputted further implementations to further progress the community’s well-being through parks and recreations. The core of democracy is presented through the community’s input and the initiative of the Parks and Recreations Commissions to evaluate and receive that input. This relationship that the Parks and Recreation Commissions presents the core of democracy has throughout actors and organs of the state. That core presents and reflects the essence of democratic norms and practices.

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