Apr 28, 2019

Black Political Organizers Summit by Janice Williams

Written By: Janice Williams

The political event I decided to go to was the “Black Political Organizers Summit”.  The main goal of the event was made for African American women in the world who all wanted to come together and share one cause. The event that I attended was not like your average political event where someone just talked and talked forever but this particular event gave everyone a voice and for you to be heard. The event had a lot of different networking activities where you can talk about different political events that you wanted to either start or some that you wanted to be involved in.

   One thing I was pleased with, with the event was that it was for African American women which speaks volumes to me personally because I am a young African American woman in the world myself. How the world is at the moment and all the chaos transpiring I am glad there are events in place to help uplift us. I feel the biggest goal for this event was to empower women in different aspects and to help empower us a people. This event focuses on many aspects like political, power, cultural, and economic views and influences. Personally, from this summit I took home a lot of influential information that I feel like that can help benefit me now and in the future.

   Another thing about the event I enjoyed was that it was a two-day event that had many different opportunities for different people. Throughout this event many important things were talked about like political events , different entrepreneur ventures, or more ways for people to get involved in the community. Although I am an African American woman, during this event I learned so much about African American culture and how far we have really come (this goes beyond the information that I already knew).

This event was so diverse as to the many people you get to hear from/talk too such as ministers, TV personality host, women in government, business owners and more. According to Rev. Daughtry black women are one of the biggest influencers we have even owning over one million different business. She talked about so many different amazing topics that help empower us as a whole. One thing that really stuck out to me was that a pastor began to talk about GOD and how he helps us. With just hearing the word that she delivered on to us I learned that GOD is always there no matter what and yes bad things do happen, and you then start to question GOD, but he is always there. I know that sometimes you go through hard times and you just feel like it is the end but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and GOD is forever with you. In all honesty, this spoke to me personally because sometimes I do want to give up, but I know GOD has me and that everything will be okay. The world we live in right now is in so much chaos it’s just good to know that there is a light at the end of whatever dark tunnel you are going through.

   I also learned that everyone should create a business that helps empower others and that can help make a difference in our world. There is ALWAYS a way we can help. Anytime you want to get involved or just want to research some political events that are going on in your area, www.AJC.com is a good source to find out information about different political events that are going on in your area. You can even share your own political events on the site too. Social media is another good way to help get attention brought to different political events ( adding hashtags will grab attention too) Also, don’t be afraid to get involved in your community and do your best to try to support local businesses too. This summit is known to bring women from all over the world to this event, this brings together women will all types of different of backgrounds for one sole purpose and that is to help empower and uplift one another. Together we can make a difference!!

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