Apr 29, 2019

Banning Abortion

Written By: Elizabeth Perez

By: Elizabeth Perez

I chose the article “How Banning Abortion in the Early Weeks of Pregnancy Suddenly Became Mainstream” I think that in general many states or even worldwide this has been a topic to talk about. I believe this topic can be talked about for a long time and I think many women have different opinions. I personally believe that this article was very interesting and I have to agree and say it was a good choice to pass the law.

Banning abortion did not take a little amount of time to make it happen nor does it take a peaceful process to make it happen. For four years in Columbus, Ohio they had biggest and oldest anti-abortion group which was called the Ohio Right to Life. The state representative knew it was not going to be any easy step to accomplish.

            The first three months of this year they have passed the heartbeat bills in Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia, and Ohio. This caused so much controversy and lots of women to be very upset because of course us woman believe that there should be freedom to do what we went with our bodies. I think this is something hard to argue with but I think it’s a very simple way to process it although the truth might be hurtful. Ohio to begin with had already tried to ban this in 2011 but the bill kept standing.

            For those who don’t know this law basically takes away the ability for woman to abort the fetus after having a heartbeat. Many have argued this because of the change in technology since 1973. Many believe that because of this technology that they are able to know when this fetus has a heartbeat or not and the different techniques to use to have an abortion. Many women see this as the state taking control of your rights. In the past, few months the amount of abortion clinics has decreased. It is so crazy how drastically this has changed.

            After Mr. Trump was elected to office is when all this movement with anti-abortion was made some people where very happy and other not so much. It’s sad to see all the controversy being made for what is the body of us women and our choices. But then why were people so happy? Well, most people where happy because of their beliefs. As a Christian, I can say I don’t think it is right to have an abortion, to kill a fetus after having a heartbeat. It’s simply not right.

            Earlier I mentioned that many people believe that technology is so advanced to where they can have an abortion without hurting the fetus’s but isn’t there advanced technology to prevent pregnancy? Well there certainly is. I don’t think its necessary to have abortions when we have the ability and the options to not get pregnant in the first place.

            Although many people are upset with the drastic changes in the world today I believe this controversy not only started no but it has always existed. We cannot blame this on our current president, or on the states because our bodies will always be our choice. This article explains the changes that were made Ohio and all the controversy that has been made and I think us in Georgia can really relate to this current event. This current event will probably continue to grow and make grand changes in several states as the time goes by.

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  1. Kayode Babatunde

    This is an interesting article. Banning Abortion has been one of the most controversial issue in the United States right next to Gun Control. Making a decision on Abortion is definitely not a easy feat to accomplish when there’s a Pro Life and Freedom choice to make. The issue is mostly based on people’s beliefs and morals. For instance, i like the part where you mentioned how most Christians were happy regarding abortion getting abolished. Yet, others were unhappy because they believe the state is just trying to deprive of them of their right to their own body. Indeed, it will be great if there is a technology that can sense whether a fetus has a heartbeat or not. Abortion will always be a controversial topic that needs to be addressed as long as there is a life and a natural right at stake.

  2. Ashley Agyekum

    At the end of your blog, you mentioned that “our bodies will always be our choices”. If that is so, then why is it OK for the government to decide what should happen with women’s bodies. Most people in congress are men, who make these decisions for us without a thought of how it will impact society. Most of these legislators also don’t know or haven’t personally experienced what they are signing legislation for or against. Putting our religious values aside, I believe women should be able to decide if they want to bear children or not. We can argue all day about the different types of contraceptives, but we also know they are not 100% effective. They contain hormones and ingredients that are proven to be harmful to women’s bodies in the long run. Then there are also victims of sexual assault. Should those women also be forced to carry unwanted pregnancies in the case they become pregnant?

  3. Janice Williams

    Very good article, I like how you gave great detail about a lot of information. In my honest opinion although I said I never would have an abortion because I do not believe in them but I do not shame others if they decide to get one. Abortions can sometimes be a good thing in the sense if someone is not prepared about to have a baby if they are not prepared for a baby but I feel like if you are engaging in sexual activities that you have to be ready for the consequences. You are absolutely right when you say “our bodies are our choice” with that statement there I feel like we should have the final say so on what happens with our bodies and not the government.

  4. Brieana Burke

    I think banning abortion is a very touchy subject. I do believe that it should be up to the mothers decision at the end of the day because she is carrying the baby. However I also do agree with from a spiritual point that I don’t agree with it either because once it has a heartbeat I feel like your killing a life. But honestly I think it should be up to the mother.

  5. Kenneth Coleman

    I think an interesting portion of the abortion decision that was not brought up, is that the current framework as decided by Planned Parenthood v Casey, provides that abortion will eventually be banned on the federal level. That is, the court determined that abortion can only be prevented after the point of viability (currently 21-22 weeks) as any limits before viability place an “undue burden” on the mother. When the Roe v Wade decision was made, viability was nearly 30 weeks, by the Planned Parenthood decision it was in the mid-20s, and now with modern technology, it is in the low 20s. As technology advances further, it is almost impossible that viability will stop declining until it is either 0 or so close to 0 that a woman will likely not know she is pregnant in time for an abortion to be performed. I wonder how this occurrence would fit in with the opinion of yourself and others with similar or opposing views. Should the framework be changed in a manner that allows or disallows abortion completely? Or does an adjustable framework that changes with technology seem to be the better option?
    Another interesting argument I have heard, though it is not necessarily directly related to your post, is that the legal framework already provides a double standard for life in regards to a fetus. Take for example a pregnant woman that gets an abortion, there is no punishment for her in regards to the fetus as a life. But in another example, a man takes the life of a pregnant woman, and he will, according to our legal system, receive two counts of murder. It seems legally inconsistent to allow a fetus to be life in one instance of law, but not in another.

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