Dec 16, 2019

Democratic Erosion in Israel

Written By: Davis Fannin

Democratic Erosion in Israel Democratic erosion is defined as the gradual decline in the quality of democracy. This is caused by the state weakening political institutions that sustain the democratic system The state of Israel has made many illiberal changes, most within the last decade. These changes are being made purposefully by the state in order to lead Israel to a more illiberal democracy. The Israeli government has passed laws that discriminate against minorities and have even taken away the tools, such as media and protest. Israeli government is now redefining an actual democracy to “unconstrained majority rule”. Israel has held many elections, even within the past year. Most of them being completely fair and unbiased. “The government is not stripping away democratic norms or basic human rights by force.” Israel’s people are aware of the actions being taken by their government and they believe that in many ways, it will allow them to reach certain political goals later in the long run. These changes are redefining the culture and the country, especially those who have been directly effected by the changes that are being made. For example, Palestinians, not being Israeli citizens, do not possess the same rights as a citizen of Israel, despite the land that they occupy. Israel is wishing the annex the land in the West Bank, hoping to take full ownership of what they already do not. In order for Israel to be successful in doing this, they must change the demographics and weaken the tools that are used in political protests, while also representing the majority as well. As stated by Zakaria, “Illiberal democracies gain legitimacy, and thus strength, from the fact that they are reasonably democratic.” Israel is reasonably democratic due to the fair and national elections that they have held over the past few years, they were also covered heavily by the media. Many believe that through these elections, Israel is stripping its people of their basic human rights, but to use terms as deep as “facism” or “authoritarianism” is rather inaccurate. Israel sees the changes being made as a plan to reach a better, more improved democracy. Israel weakening its checks and balances system has made Israel ethnocentric or “less liberal”. Weakening liberal protections in Israel puts restrictions on political ideals and criticisms. Those who will be harmed directly by the policy, Palestinians, will be directly harmed and effected by the laws being put into place. These laws are attacking liberal democracy, these have large normative changes. The Association of Civil Rights in Israel has found that these changes have a direct correlation to the Arab minority losing certain rights such as media expression, education, free media, and cultural expression.

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