Mar 6, 2020

Feeling the Bern

Written By: Malia Evans

Drawing crowds over thirteen thousand people, Bernie Sanders entertained a lot of people. This was very first experience at a rally for a presidential candidate and I will never forget it. I felt like a sardine in a can of sardines. I squished my way towards the front of the crowd to see Bernie. The crowd was alive and excited for Sanders. I will admit I do not follow candidates too closely so I was not what you call a supporter. Some of the people that attended were avid. Sanders supporters and they did not hide it; never will I forget the image of those supporters. People came from various different places to attend the rally. I thought it was very bold of Bernie to hold a rally a few miles from the home of Elizabeth Warren. Nika Elugardo who is a representative of Massachusetts endorsed Sanders and got the crowd ready to feel the Bern.  A good amount of the crowd in attendance were students, college students. He touched on many topics such as ending private prisons and detention centers, Medicare for all, and the biggest one is free college tuition. As a college student myself of course I am in favor for free tuition who would not be? No student loans that add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars that a college does not have. However, are Americans ready for raise in their taxes? I highly doubt everyone is simply okay with their taxes being raised for people that are not their kids. Sanders has strong support with younger aged votes, but a very weak following when it comes to older voters. But will Bernie Sanders be able to bring these young aged voters to the polls? Not only in recent years, but in history of voting in America young voter turn out has been quite scarce. I do not believe this one year will be the year young voters will turn out. Frankly, I think Sanders is depending on voters of young age to show up vote and that is a very big risk. However, if all people aged eighteen to twenty- six turn up at the polls Sanders will have a decent shot. I personally do not think that Sanders does a good job at explain how America will achieve these goals of college tuition and medicare for all. Sanders says what us people want to hear, but does not dive much deeper which I think is scary. I am not saying he does not have a plan, but it is not made clear to the public. Year after year presidential candidates who present and explain a plan get bashed and well drop out, for example Elizabeth Warren. Warren  just recently dropped out of the race and I think this was due to partially her turn out in the recent primaries that occurred on March third and partially because she did not have a strong following due to her explanation and plan for medicare for all and much more. I believe this is the first time in American history that there is no candidate that is perfect for the position of president. After many conversations with my fellow peers and colleagues, some people are voting with the gut on the day of the election and some are voting for the person who will most likely be able to defeat Donald Trump. During the rally as Sanders was speaking, he spent a solid amount of time criticizing Trump and calling him names such as racist and sexist. I thought this was interesting because calling people names does not win elections nor does it make any candidate look better. I understand why candidates do this, however I think is can be helpful at times but other times it is useless. Candidates such focus on themselves and winning over voters through their plan for their presidency. I think this is a very sad and unfortunate election for my first voting experience. With all the circumstances I believe it is a lose lose situation and not one person will be able to fix the hole that America has put itself in. 

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