Immigrants from across the world do what they can to be able to reach the United States. This “American dream” is only limited to some. The promises engraved in the U.S. are only true for those considered a part of “the people”. The respected Constitution is not followed as it’s meant to be. Those in power are selective of how certain rights apply. A democracy is maintained with more equality in the nation. If nothing is done, what prevents other issues going against the constitution and the general democracy from happening? It is only a matter of time for the U.S. Democracy to become unstable.
A current issue
Immigrants who come from white areas face a different immigration process compared to immigrants that come from a nation where the majority is not White. White immigrants are considered to be a part of “the people” and go through the fair process in order to come into the U.S. or become a citizen and have very low chance of facing consequences or deportation. Non-white immigrants are not considered to be a part of “the people” and those in power do what they can to make the immigration process more complicated, difficult, and practically impossible. Why can’t all immigrants be treated equally at the border? Why can’t a Black or Latinx immigrant be given the same chance and opportunity as a White immigrant? A more recent finding at the border is the forced sterilization of women who are Black, Latinx, and Indigenous. These vulnerable women are taken advantage of because of their language barriers, innocence and optimism. These women had no knowledge of the procedure forced upon them. This was done to limit the reproduction of people who are not White, which is why this was not forced upon White immigrants. How can this be claimed as equality when the treatment and issues these two different groups of immigrants face do not compare. This democracy cannot stay stable with issues like these.
How Americans view immigrants
Many Americans were found to see immigration as more of an “invasion” and had exaggerated assumptions that immigrants who are a part of the minority are all “drug smugglers”, take advantage of “public benefits”, etc. Years ago it was heard that “Mexicans” are stealing jobs. If an immigrant from Australia came to the U.S. and worked, no one would say they are stealing anyone’s job. Mexicans are put in quotes as many Americans assume every Latinx person is Mexican which only adds to the issues of racism. Invasion is a very negative way to see immigration into the U.S. and it proves just why non-White immigrants are treated so badly, because they aren’t wanted here. If the people cannot become educated and change views like this one, inequality will continue, racism will continue, and democracy will not.
The Birth Control incident
History repeats itself. Around the 1950s women in Puerto Rico were used to test out the very first birth control pills which were full of high and powerful doses, it does not compare to what the birth control pill is today. Many Puerto Rican women died or faced irreversible infertility. The pills were tested on them as if they were lab rats. Women in the United States were not used to test birth control because they were seen as superior. Immigrants and minorities are treated unequally. If history will continue to repeat in the U.S. even when errors are acknowledged, what hope is there of this nation changing for the better in order to maintain democracy? If injustices and tragedies continue, it is only a matter of time for the people and the government to become unstable and for the democracy to fail and change.
Rights of Immigrants
“Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution”. The Constitution and its words are not followed unless it fits the biases of those in power. Immigrants are denied their rights and treated unfairly while other “preferred” citizens are always respected. If the very Constitution that keeps this democracy in place cannot be followed by this nation, how can we believe this democracy will last? The Constitution is the heart of this democracy, yet it is only followed selectively. This democracy will not last as a result.
The U.S. democracy is backsliding, this is to say the democracy is falling apart slowly because certain democratic ideas are not followed. Men are somehow not touched. It always results in women being attacked, controlled, and restrained in this democracy. Many believe the U.S. would become more democratic with time and improve, but it’s not. The same mistakes are repeating, women are a part of “the people” not just men. When African Americans were given rights, it was only African American men, not women. If it’s not one thing it’s another in this nation. Those in power cannot be so selective in a democracy, it defeats the very idea of a democracy. The definition of democracy is a “government by the people”. With this, the U.S. democracy cannot be a democracy without it including those who are a part of “the people”. The people are those in the United States, people located in the United States including those at the border. While in U.S. land, the person pertains to “the people” and should have their rights respected as such. The Constitution and the constitutional safeguards are not enough to maintain the U.S. Democracy.
Hi, Anahi Miranda!
Thank you for creating this interesting blog. I totally agree with your argument. Nowadays, most immigrants are being discriminated against and unprotected by laws. I like how you linked the topic with democracy. And I would like to raise my perspective. Yes! If the country is practicing a real democracy, the rights of immigrants should be respected and treated equally. There should be no privileged citizens. In America, there are also several cases of racism. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, most Asian people were being discriminated against as COVID-19 came from China. And Asia is so diverse that there are also other nationalities such as Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and so on. However, most Americans think all Asians are Chinese. And Asian immigrants are being treated badly and attacked. Like you mentioned, if people are not well educated, inequality will still exist, and democracy will not.
When people see the U.S., they only see that it is a developed country and a good country to live in. However, there have been many untold discriminations against immigrants. And if the U.S. is really practicing democracy, those issues should be addressed immediately, and the Constitution should consider rights to protect them regarding the principles of democracy.
Thank you.
Thein Dollar