Oct 30, 2024

Honduras: How Populism Lead to the Removal of the Extradition Treaty


However, not only does Honduras have to grapple with the belligerent gangbangers, but-also combat the pugnacious late 20th & 21st century leaders who abuse their power and cause democratic backsliding in Honduras and its institutions.

Unfortunately, Hurricane Mitch (1998) worsened the ability to pinpoint these stealthy leaders.

In efforts to mitigate the landscape of Honduras after Hurricane Mitch, Carlos Roberto Flores Facussé (Facussé) requested international aid to help rebuild Honduran infrastructure. However, this caused the national debt of Honduras to increase by twice as much. As a result, Honduran citizens’ were not infuriated by the increase of national debt; rather, they were extremely grateful for Facussé efforts to rebuild Honduran infrastructure.

Shortly after Facussé received appraisal from the public sphere, he drastically limited the power of law enforcement, having them relinquish their power to the executive branch, causing crime rates related to gang-violence and drug trafficking to exponentially increase, placing Honduras in the top most dangerous countries. In effect, Honduran citizens’ distanced themselves from Facussé preventing him from ever winning reelection.

During the 2005 Presidential Election, Manuel Zelaya (Mel) was up against Porfirio Lobo (Pepe) who, in America, we would consider a Republican. However, both campaigns of the presidential nominees were centered in 3 core issues: combatting gang-violence, poverty, and corruption. In contrast to Mel, Pepe wanted Honduras to stray away from progressivism and focus on conserving Neo-nationalism and Neo-traditionalism . As a result, Pepe lost the election to Mel.

The table made a dramatic and spontaneous turn once Mel was in power. Mel made illegal and, thus, unconstitutional deals with César Chávez for petroleum. In addition, not-only did he completely switch sides in the political spectrum (went from being a Democrat to becoming a Republican like his rival, Pepe, in the 2005 election), but he also enlisted Honduras in ALBA, eliminating any form of communication with Washington D.C.

If enlisting Honduras in ALBA, a Venezuelan socialist and authoritarian proposed constitution to establish a foundation for a new way of governing, was not enough; Mel also executively ordered that a new constitution be written, in which he would be able to reelect himself for president & change the federal and state institutions to benefit him and his regime. As a result, military forces [illegally] exiled Mel outside of the Republic of Honduras, known as the 2009 Coup D’état.

Why did Honduran citizens elect Mel in the first place? Well, because of individual interest.

Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH), also referred to as Juan Robando meaning Juan is stealing, was extradited through the Extradition Treaty from the opposition and now president Xiomara Castro. JOH was found guilty of drug & firearm trafficking and, therefore, is currently serving a 45 year sentence as of 2022 in the U.S.

In continuance, JOH was stimulating the economy and, as a result, Honduran citizens’ were seeing welfare benefits and checks. However, JOH stealthy authoritarian tactics blinded the public sphere and not-only did he receive appraisal from citizens feeding into his executive aggrandizement complex but he also made Honduran citizens’ believe he was the savior of the Republic of Honduras.

Furthermore, in the second year of his second term, a few unanimous government officials who worked for Mel and, his wife, Xiomara Castro whom were also a part of the political party Libertad y Refundación leaked information of JOH and his “shady deeds.” Shockingly, Honduran citizens’, who form the public sphere, viewed this action as propaganda.

In addition, Honduran citizens’ started to criminalize the political party by accusing it of trying to intentionally and unconstitutionally accuse JOH of non-political crimes. Which led JOH to file libel lawsuits against Libertad y Refundación.

JOH was scapegoating by painting himself as a victim to continue abusing the power of a defensively weak Honduran democracy as long as it was a gain for him. Of course, Honduran citizens’ did not speculate anything until JOH cut off all welfare benefits because he was in debt with other drug traffickers. This is when Xiomara Castro took the stage to get elected as the first third-party female president in Honduran history.

On January 2022, Xiomara Castro (Xiomara) made history, in Honduras, as the first third party female nominee to get elected for presidency. However, indifferent from her husband Mel, she drastically flipped the table.

On August 2024, Xiomara additionally made history as the first populist third party female president, in Honduras, to indiscreetly de-democratize Honduran democracy.

To synthesize, Xiomara officially terminated the Extradition Treaty because of liable accusations and substantial evidence proving 3 things. One, her husband Mel was working with drug traffickers during his presidency. Two, her brother-in-law, who serves in congress, has been found guilty of accepting bribes from drug-traffickers to pass policy in favor for them. Three, the money raised for Xiomara’s presidential campaign was “drug-money.” In other words, Xiomara’s campaign was funded by drug traffickers in return for favoring-policy.

What does all of this mean?

Well, Honduras has lost another pillar of hope. Maybe the only thing that could have helped defeat the gang-related crimes and violence in the country is now gone at the cost of the president protecting her family.

The Extradition Treaty is what allowed U.S. jurisdiction over criminals infiltrating the country, government, and landscape. In addition, without the Extradition Treaty who knows if Xiomara will follow in her husband’s footsteps and re-write the constitution. After all, she will not be able to be exiled nor trialed by a foreign government since the only means to do so have now been terminated.

Honduran citizens’ once again put their individual interest over democracy. Honduran citizens’ weighed populism as more important than democracy, already knowing Mel’s attempt to de-democratize Honduras. The real question is why? Remember, Honduras is a third world country ranking in the top most underdeveloped and violent countries in the world. Wouldn’t you have put your future, your desires, or your prosperity over democracy for a bit of hope? Unfortunately, Honduran citizens’ regret electing Xiomara because now they cannot engage in their civil disobediences. Xiomara warned Honduran citizens’ on engaging in another coup d’état because the pushback will be bloody, she said. Similarly said, Nicholás Maduro said the same thing about his reelection. After all, Xiomara and Madura have made it clear to the Latin American communities’ that they will be working together in the near future.

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